1. Introduction

1.1 This policy sets out Highfields’s approach to special considerations.

1.2 A special consideration is a post-assessment adjustment that can be made should a learner experience an event that is likely to, or has, affected the learner’s assessment.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all learners registered with the Academy of Business Professionals (ABP).

3. Special Consideration Eligibility

3.1 A special consideration is a consideration to be given to a learner who has temporarily experienced an illness or injury, or some other event outside of their control, which has, or is reasonably likely to have, materially affected the learner’s ability to:

3.1.1 Take an assessment; and/or,

3.1.2 Demonstrate their level of attainment in an assessment.

3.2 Circumstances, at the time of, or during, assessment where a learner may be eligible for a special consideration include:

3.2.1 An accident, injury, or temporary illness;

3.2.2 A serious domestic issue. For example, bereavement of an immediate family member within 3 months of the assessment;

3.2.3 Failure by ABP staff to provide the correct assessment materials;

3.2.4 Technical issues with the assessment or associate assessment materials;

3.2.5 A serious disruption of the assessment. For example, a fire alarm;

3.2.6 Failure by ABP staff to implement access arrangements that have been approved in advance of the assessment;

3.2.7 A significant issue arising from a learning difficulty, disability or long-term illness that is exacerbated at the time of assessment that would not normally require a reasonable adjustment.

3.3 The list in 3.2 above is not intended to be exhaustive.

3.4 Circumstances where a learner will not be eligible for a special consideration include:

3.4.1 Minor domestic issues and arrangements. For example, moving house or a wedding;

3.4.2 Consequences of committing unlawful activities, taking recreational drugs and alcohol;

3.4.3 A minor disturbance of assessment. For example, a phone ringing;

3.4.4 Ill preparation of the learner for assessment by the centre or the learner themselves;

3.4.5 Failure by the learner to complete all required elements of teaching and assessments.

3.5 The list in 3.4 is not intended to be exhaustive.

4. Applying for Special Consideration

4.1 Learners’ applications for special consideration must be completed on the Special Considerations Form and submitted to ABP. The form can be downloaded from ABP’s website. Applications must be submitted to ABP within five working days following the examination/assessment. ABP reserves the right to decline the request for special consideration if the above is not adhered to.

4.2 ABP will hold all relevant evidence in relation to the special consideration application for a period of 12 months.

4.3 ABP will respond in writing to the request for special consideration within five working days of the application. The written response will detail the acceptance or refusal of permission for special consideration. ABP may extend this time at its discretion. For example, if the request is complex, it may consult with external parties and stakeholders as appropriate.

4.4 End-point assessors are permitted to, at the time of assessment, pause an end-point assessment and refer to the ABP Assessment team in order to apply for a special consideration.

4.5 Where learners are present at the time of assessment and their application for a special consideration is accepted the following considerations may be applied:

4.5.1 For qualifications and exams up to 5% additional marks applied to the raw score dependent on the severity circumstance;

4.5.2 For assessments where competence is required to be fully met in order to achieve a grade it may not be possible to apply up to 5% additional marks. In these cases, it may be appropriate for the assessment to be undertaken again or extend the assessment period to complete the assessment activity.

4.6 Where learners are absent at the time of assessment and their application for a special consideration is accepted the following considerations may be applied:

4.6.1 The assessment may be undertaken at another date;

4.6.2 The assessment period may be extended.

4.7 ABP staff must be mindful of the potential for learners abusing the process to obtain better marks.

4.8 A special consideration should not unfairly advantage or disadvantage a learner or group of learners.

5. Appealing a Decision Regarding Special Consideration

Should a learner disagree with ABP’s decision in relation to a special consideration, they can file an appeal to escalate the matter to ABP’s governing body whose decision, upon reviewing the appeal, will be deemed final and binding on the learner with respect to their request for special consideration.
Special Considerations Policy – PDF

1. Introduction

The purpose of this policy is to confirm that all learners, potential or actual, of ABP ‘s qualification courses are provided with full recognition of their current skills and knowledge. We promote acknowledgment of ‘non-traditional’ forms of learning as valid pathways for recognition of competency achievement during the Recognition of Prior Learning (RL) assessment process. The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process conducted by us is an assessment process, which
provides acknowledgement of all skills and knowledge gained through the life experiences, work experience, previous training and formal and informal education of applicants. Our RPL process examines the evidence within the following key principles:

● Adopting a focus on the competencies held rather than on how, when or where the learning

● Demonstrated commitment to recognising the prior learning of adults;

● Providing access to the RPL process for all potential students of courses;

● Undertaking RPL processes which are fair to all those involved; and,

● Providing adequate support for all potential RPL applicants.

2. Sources of RPL

RPL can come from previous study, employment, voluntary work and training courses.

3. Types of RPL

3.1 There are 3 types of RPL that a learner can put towards a qualification: Credit transfer: Credit transfer is when a learner puts credits from a previous higher education (university-level) qualification towards a new qualification. We can accept credits from qualifications that a learner has completed in the last 5 years. Prior certificated learning: Prior certificated learning is university-level learning that didn’t result in a higher education qualification or credits. This can include professional development and employment-based awards as well as certificates awarded by a higher education institution. Prior Experiential Learning: Prior experiential learning relates to knowledge and skills a learner has gained through experience, e.g. through employment or voluntary work.

4. Applying for RPL

4.1 A learner applies for RPL using the ABP-prescribed RPL form that is available with its Admissions team and on its website.

4.2 The deadline for an RPL application depends on what the learner wants to use it for:

4.2.1 Using RPL to start a higher level of course: The learner must submit his/her RPL application prior to the first class of the course chosen;

4.2.2 If a learner wants to use RPL to claim some but not all credits on a level of the course (for example, to avoid completing a module that covers knowledge that he/she may already have), must apply within 20 working days of the first day of classes of the course chosen.

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy – PDF

1. Introduction

Reasonable Adjustments may be granted in circumstances which address and help to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty which would substantially disadvantage a learner during an examination or assessment situation.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all learners registered with the Academy of Business Professionals (ABP).

3. Identification of Learner Needs

3.1 ABP has measures in place in which the requirement for a reasonable adjustment is identified prior to the learner undertaking any of its offered qualifications and/or assessments. This is highlighted during the enrolment of the learner onto the qualification(s).

3.2 Any adjustment should be based on the individual learner’s need to access the assessment. ABP has the responsibility to provide effective procedures for the identification of learners’ needs which comply with the requirements of relevant disability and discrimination legislation of Bangladesh.

3.3 ABP will:

3.3.1 Identify learners having or likely to have difficulties accessing assessment;

3.3.2 Ensure its staff decide, in conjunction with the learner, what adjustment may be required;

3.3.3 Take into consideration, when identifying the adjustment(s) necessary, the learner’s normal way of working and how previous assessment has been made during teaching, as well as the assessment requirements of the qualification or standard;

3.3.4 Document the request and rationale for audit purposes, once the appropriate adjustment has been identified.

3.4 Any application for Reasonable Adjustment must be supported, where appropriate, by information/evidence, which is valid, sufficient, reliable and justifiable.

3.5 In the case of learners for whom the implications of a difficulty are not immediately obvious, specialist advice will need to be taken. This may mean requesting an opinion from a qualified medical practitioner as to the adjustments that could be made.

3.6 If the Reasonable Adjustment is permitted by ABP, the Reasonable Adjustment form must be completed and submitted to it at the end of the assessment together with the associated examination/assessment materials.

4. Language Translators

4.1 Please note, ABP does not allow the use of translators to assist learners who do not speak, write or understand English.

4.2 It does however, allow the provision of a reader and/or writer for learners who do not speak English as their first language, as well as the use of translation dictionaries.

5. Role Definition of Readers and Writers

5.1 A reader/writer is a person who, on request, will read or write for a learner who is able to demonstrate a need for this provision. This provision may be used for:

5.1.1 All or part of the examination or assessment papers; and

5.1.2 All or any part of the learner’s answers.

5.2 The reader/writer cannot be the learner’s course tutor/trainer. On no account will such a facilitator be a relative or friend of the learner or anyone with a vested interest in the outcome of the assessment.

5.3 Readers/writers must not in any way attempt to modify either the content of the answers given by the learner or to alter the specific qualification or end-point assessment requirements.

5.3.1 Permitted readers should not be related to the learners.

5.3.2 Permitted readers must only read assessment questions and answers in English.

5.3.3 Permitted readers must not intentionally or unintentionally lead the learner, in any way.

5.3.4 Permitted readers are not allowed to provide definitions of words.

5.3.5 Permitted readers should not act as the invigilator.

5.4 Separate accommodation should be made available for learners, single or as a group requiring the services of a reader/writer in order not to disturb other learners.

5.5 Invigilators/Assessors supervising an assessment or examination may not act as a reader/writer.

5.6 Failure to act on these guidelines could result in the learner’s disqualification.

5.7 ABP will allow the use of over-writers for hearing impaired learners.

5.8 Overwriting should commence as near as possible to the start time of the examination and should normally be in pen on the learner’s paper. Should extensive modifications be necessary, a separate paper with the answers written in full should be attached to the original question paper.

6. Reasonable Adjustment Principles

6.1 Adjustments to assessments should be based on the following principles:

6.1.1 Adjustments should not compromise the assessment requirements or validity of the qualifications or end-point assessment;

6.1.2 They should not provide the learner with an unfair advantage;

6.1.3 They should be consistent with the learner’s normal way of working;

6.1.4 They should be based on the individual need of the learner;

6.1.5 They should allow learners an equal opportunity to show what they can do and what they know without altering competence standards; and,

6.1.6 Adjustments should not pose an increased risk to the safety and/or wellbeing of the learner, assessor or invigilator.

7. Remote Invigilation

In case any reasonable adjustment requires a remote invigilation method to be applied, ABP will decide and inform the learners the manner in which it will proctor such assessments.

8. Appealing a Decision Regarding Reasonable Adjustment

Should a learner disagree with ABP’s decision in relation to a reasonable adjustment, they can file an appeal to escalate the matter to ABP’s governing body whose decision, upon reviewing the appeal, will be deemed final and binding on the learner with respect to their request for reasonable adjustment.

Reasonable Adjustments Policy – PDF

1. Introduction

Incidents of malpractice/maladministration can potentially lead to learners being disadvantaged, can require the conducting of costly and time-consuming investigations and may cause reputational damage to ABP. It is, therefore, desirable to prevent malpractice or maladministration from occurring, whenever possible. Where it is not possible to prevent this, cases of suspected or actual malpractice/maladministration should be dealt with quickly, thoroughly and effectively.

2. Scope

This policy is aimed at our customers, including learners, who are delivering or registered on ABP programmes or courses, approved qualifications or units within or outside Bangladesh and who are involved in suspected or actual malpractice/maladministration. It is also for use by ABP staff to ensure they deal with all malpractice and maladministration investigations in a consistent manner. It sets out the steps ABP staff, learners or third-parties must follow when reporting suspected or actual cases of malpractice/maladministration and ABP’s responsibilities in dealing with such cases. It also sets out the procedural steps ABP will follow when reviewing the cases.

3. Responsibility of ABP Staff and Learners

3.1 It is important that all staff involved in the management, assessment and quality assurance of ABP qualifications are fully aware of the contents of the policy

3.2 It is important that all registered learners of ABP are fully aware of the contents of the policy

4. Definition of Malpractice and Maladministration

4.1 Malpractice is essentially any activity or practice which deliberately contravenes regulations and compromises the integrity of the internal or external assessment process and/or the validity of certificates.

4.1.1 It covers any deliberate actions, neglect, default or other practice that compromises, or could compromise: The assessment process; The integrity of a regulated qualification; The validity of a result or certificate; The reputation and credibility of ABP; or, The qualification or the wider qualifications community.

4.1.2 Malpractice may include a range of issues from the failure to maintain appropriate records or systems, to the deliberate falsification of records in order to claim certificates;

4.1.3 For the purpose of this policy this term also covers misconduct and forms of unnecessary discrimination or bias towards certain or groups of learners.

4.1.4 Examples of malpractice Failure to carry out internal assessment, internal moderation or internal verification in accordance with requirements; Deliberate failure to adhere to learner registration and certification procedures; Deliberate failure to continually adhere to centre recognition and/or qualification approval requirements or actions assigned; Deliberate failure to maintain appropriate auditable records, e.g. certification claims and/or forgery of evidence; Fraudulent claim(s) for certificates; Intentional withholding of information which is critical to maintaining the rigour of quality assurance and standards of qualifications; Collusion or permitting collusion in exams/assessments; Learners still working towards qualification after certification claims have been made; Plagiarism by learners/staff; Copying from another learner (including using ICT to do so).

4.2 Maladministration is essentially any activity or practice which results in non-compliance with administrative regulations and requirements and includes the application of persistent mistakes or poor administration.

4.2.1 Examples of maladministration Persistent failure to adhere to learner registration and certification procedures; Persistent failure to adhere to centre recognition and/or qualification requirements and/or associated actions assigned; Late learner registrations (both infrequent and persistent);

4.2.2 Unreasonable delays in responding to requests and/or communications;

4.2.3 Inaccurate claim for certificates;

4.2.4 Failure to maintain appropriate auditable records, e.g. certification claims and/or forgery of evidence;

4.2.5 Withholding of information, by deliberate act or omission.

5. Process for Making an Allegation of Maladministration or Malpractice

5.1 Anybody who identifies or is made aware of suspected or actual cases of malpractice or maladministration at any time must immediately notify the ABP Board of Governance. In doing so they should put them in writing/email and enclose appropriate supporting evidence.

5.2 All allegations must include (where possible):

5.2.1 Learner’s name and the ABP-provided registration/identification number;

5.2.2 ABP staff members’ name and job role – if they are involved in the case;

5.2.3 Details of the course/qualification affected or nature of the service affected;

5.2.4 Nature of the suspected or actual malpractice and associated dates, details and outcome of any initial investigation carried out by ABP Senior Officers or anybody else involved in the case, including any mitigating circumstances.

5.3 The ABP Board of Governance will then conduct an initial investigation to ensure that staff involved in the initial investigation are competent and have no personal interest in the outcome of the investigation.

5.4 In all cases of suspected malpractice and maladministration reported ABP will protect the identity of the ‘informant’ in accordance with our duty of confidentiality and/or any other legal duty.

6. Confidentiality and Whistleblowing

Sometimes a person making an allegation of malpractice or maladministration may wish to remain anonymous. Although it is always preferable to reveal your identity and contact details to us, if you are concerned about possible adverse consequences you may request that the ABP do not divulge your identity. While we are prepared to investigate issues which are reported to us anonymously we shall always try to confirm an allegation by means of a separate investigation before taking up the matter with those to whom the allegation relates.

7. Responsibility for the Investigation

7.1 In accordance with regulatory requirements all suspected cases of maladministration and malpractice will be examined promptly by ABP to establish if malpractice or maladministration has occurred and we will take all reasonable steps to prevent any adverse effect from the occurrence. We will acknowledge receipt, as appropriate, to external parties within 48 hours.

7.2 ABP Board of Governance will be responsible for ensuring the investigation is carried out in a prompt and effective manner and in accordance with the procedures in this policy and will allocate a relevant member of staff to lead the investigation and establish whether or not the malpractice or maladministration has occurred, and review any supporting evidence received or gathered by ABP.

8. Notifying Relevant Parties

In the event that an incident of malpractice or maladministration is of a nature that requires us to notify relevant regulatory and/or legal authorities, ABP Board of Governance will do so.

9. Investigation Timelines and Summary Process

9.1 We aim to take action and resolve all stages of the investigation within 10 working days of receipt of the allegation.

9.2 The fundamental principle of all investigations is to conduct them in a fair, reasonable and legal manner, ensuring that all relevant evidence is considered without bias. In doing so investigations will be based around the following broad objectives:

9.2.1 To establish the facts relating to allegations/complaints in order to determine whether any irregularities have occurred;

9.2.2 To identify the cause of the irregularities and those involved;

9.2.3 To establish the scale of the irregularities;

9.2.4 To evaluate any action already taken;

9.2.5 To determine whether remedial action is required to reduce the risk to current registered learners and to preserve the integrity of Cambridge Marketing College and the qualification;

9.2.6 To identify any adverse patterns or trends.

9.3 The investigation may involve a request for further information from relevant parties and/or interviews with personnel involved in the investigation. Therefore, we will:

9.3.1 Ensure all material collected as part of an investigation is kept secure;

9.3.2 If an investigation leads to invalidation of certificates, or criminal or civil prosecution, all records and original documentation relating to the case will be retained until the case and any appeals have been heard and for five years thereafter;

9.3.3 Expect all parties, who are either directly or indirectly involved in the investigation, to fully cooperate with us.

9.4 Either at notification of a suspected or actual case of malpractice or maladministration and/or at any time during the investigation, we reserve the right to withhold a learner’s, and/or cohort’s, results.

9.5 Where a member of ABP staff is under investigation we may suspend them or move them to other duties until the investigation is complete.

9.6 Throughout the investigation ABP Board of Governance will be responsible for overseeing the work of the investigation team to ensure that due process is being followed, appropriate evidence has been gathered and reviewed and for liaising with and keeping relevant external parties informed.

10. Investigation Report

After an investigation, we will produce a draft report for the parties concerned to check the factual accuracy. Any subsequent amendments will be agreed between the parties concerned and ourselves.

The report will:

1. Identify where the breach, if any, occurred.

2. Confirm the facts of the case.

3. Identify who is responsible for the breach (if any).

4. Confirm an appropriate level of remedial action to be applied.

5. We will make the final report available to the parties concerned and to the regulatory authorities. and other external agencies as required.

If it was an independent/third party that notified us of the suspected or actual case of malpractice, we will also inform them of the outcome – normally within 10 working days of making our decision in doing so we may withhold some details if to disclose such information would breach a duty of confidentiality or any other legal duty.

If it is an internal investigation against a member of our staff the report will be agreed by the ABP CEO, along with the relevant internal managers, and appropriate internal disciplinary procedures will be implemented.

11. Investigation Outcomes

11.1 If the investigation confirms that malpractice or maladministration has taken place we will consider what action to take in order to:

11.1.1 Minimise the risk to the integrity of certification now and in the future;

11.1.2 Maintain public confidence in the delivery and awarding of qualifications;

11.1.3 Discourage others from carrying out similar instances of malpractice or maladministration;

11.1.4 Ensure there has been no gain from compromising our standards.

11.2 The action we take may include:

11.2.1 Imposing actions in order to address the instance of malpractice/maladministration and to prevent it from reoccurring;

11.2.2 In cases where certificates are deemed to be invalid, inform the Awarding Organisation concerned and the regulatory authorities why they are invalid and any action to be taken for reassessment and/or for the withdrawal of the certificates. We will also let the affected learners know the action we are taking and that their original certificates are invalid and ask – where possible – to return the invalid certificates to us.

12. Maladministration

Should it be found that we have made an error in enrolling a student or administering a student’s progress, we will work with the student to agree the best solution. If the student wishes to continue the course, an extension of time will be granted. If they wish to withdraw from the course, a full refund will be made.

13. Malpractice

Should incompetence or negligence occur, we will again work at our own cost, to rectify the situation with the student should they wish to continue with the course, or a full refund will be given. In addition, to the above the concerned Senior Officer of ABP will record any lessons learnt from the investigation and pass these onto relevant internal colleagues to help prevent the same instance of maladministration or malpractice from reoccurring.


Maladministration and Malpractice Policy – PDF

1. Introduction

This policy covers ABP’s policy statements and procedures for its learner support policy during various stages of enrolment while undertaking any of ABP’s training courses and/or qualifications. This policy applies to all casual, part-time and full-time employees as well as current and future learners of ABP.

2. Learner Support Policy

ABP is committed to providing enrolling and enrolled learners with Language Literacy and Numeracy (LL&N) Needs and/or learning differences, with advice and support intervention options to assist with a student’s ongoing learning and progress through its courses.

3. Learner Support Procedures

3.1 At enrolment:

3.1.1 Learners identifying learner support needs during the enrolment process will be advised by ABP staff of the support measures available;

3.1.2 ABP staff may request that a learner with support needs undertake an LL&N test. Results from the test will be assessed and the course being enrolled in reviewed for appropriateness;

3.1.3 ABP’s management must be advised of all LL&N test results that identify significant learner support needs of enrolling learners.

3.2 Post-enrolment:

3.2.1 Following enrolment all training staff will be available by appointment to provide required support to enrolled learners.

3.3 Pre-assessment:

3.3.1 All ABP training staff must review the specific support requirements of all learners with support needs prior to each assessment event;

3.3.2 Where reasonable adjustment is determined as necessary for a learner, advice must be provided to the concerned ABP Senior Officer detailing the reasonable adjustment being planned prior to the assessment event (email);

3.3.3 The concerned ABP Senior Officer must approve each assessment that contains planning of reasonable adjustment;

3.3.4 Reasonable adjustment applied to any assessment must be recorded and maintained on a learner’s enrolment records.

Learner Support Policy and Procedures – PDF

1. Introduction

ABP is fully committed to accuracy and consistency within the management of learner data. This document serves to guide the handling and management of learner data and ultimately the certification of award where the learner has achieved the relevant criteria. All data will be treated as sensitive throughout its processing and therefore the strictest levels of confidentiality will be observed.

2. Learner Registration: Definition and Process

2.1 Student Registration:

2.1.1 Registering students is the process of recording key biometric data in association with the details of the qualification being studied and the date that studies commenced. The details of this process may vary depending on the qualification; however, the process will be executed following close regard to personal data confidentiality. Throughout ABP, systems have been designed to ensure accuracy whilst confirming eligibility and genuine learner commitment;

2.1.2 Records of learner data are maintained on ABP Learning Management System and can be processed through digital or paper-based registration processes. Where relevant, learner biometric data will be maintained securely for 3 years after certification in line with ABP’s data protection policies.

2.2 Registration Process:

2.2.1 It is in the best interests of the learner and ABP that the learner’s commitment to study and attendance are closely monitored in the early stages and such data are maintained on the ABP Learning Management System and can be processed through digital or paper-based registration processes. Where relevant, learner’s biometric data will be maintained securely for 3 years after certification in line with ABP’s data protection policies;

2.2.2 The process of registration is launched from the point where lessons are scheduled to commence at the start of a course of study toward a qualification;

2.2.3 Attendance is monitored thoroughly throughout the year, however it is particularly relevant during the initial stages of the new course of study. ABP recognises its significant responsibility to ensure all registered learners are fully committed to their studies across the period of registration, resulting in credible progression and completion rates;

2.2.4 The concerned Senior Officer reviews the list of learners to be registered, considering attendance and engagement within the class setting over the first 30 days since start of teaching;

2.2.5 Registration plays a key role as only the registered learners with ABP are given access to the e-Learning and this is the key platform towards academic practices such as access to teaching material, assessment both formative and summative and towards coordination and communication;

2.2.6 The concerned Senior Officer, in coordination with the Internal Quality Assessor regularly monitors inactive or dis-engaged learners during the 30 day interval. In all cases ABP will endeavour to motivate and encourage learners to engage in their studies and with other learners in the class. Only in extreme cases will ABP seek to terminate a student’s registration;

2.2.7 If learners initially display below standard attendance and engagement in the first 30 days, but improve significantly following ABP staff support and intervention, then ABP will register the students late. A late registration surcharge may be applicable.

Learner Registration Policy and Procedures – PDF

1. Introduction

ABP is committed to providing a clear and concise procedure confirming that applications are welcomed from all prospective applicants with the motivation to learn and the potential to succeed. We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all individuals seeking a place on a programme, and will ensure that all applications are dealt with on an individual and contextual basis making reasonable adjustments where necessary. This policy applies to ABP’s Admissions team and its concerned Senior Officers.

2. Admission Requirements

2.1.1 The applicant meets the specific entry requirements of a programme or course;

2.1.2 The applicant meets all other admissions criteria;

2.1.3 The applicant attends an orientation and completes the interview process, where required by a specific programme or course;

2.1.4 The applicant agrees to pay any fees required (admission is conditional upon the payment, or agreed arrangements for the payment, of any fees by the due date);

2.1.5 There are places available on the programme of study i.e. target numbers have not yet beenmet;

2.1.6 The applicant accepts the offer of a place within specified timescales;

2.1.7 The applicant agrees to ABP’s Terms and Conditions at the time of accepting an offer of a place;

2.1.8 The applicant attends their designated Enrolment date, or proposed alternative ahead of the commencement of the academic year;

2.1.9 References that are satisfactory to ABP are received about the applicant;

2.1.10 Applicants under the age of 16 will not usually be permitted entry to a full-time course at ABP.

3. Right to Refuse an Applicant Under certain circumstances the college may reserve the right to refuse a place to an applicant for the following reasons:

● Where there are convictions that have not been spent or can never become spent.

● Where they have previously been excluded from ABP or another education institution.

● Where there are outstanding debts to ABP.

● Where information about the applicant is available concerning activities outside the law or the expression of beliefs which may pose a risk to others.

● Where information given by the applicant is found to be falsified, misleading, or incomplete.

This is not an exhaustive list, and any applications from prospective students who may fall under this section will be given full consideration by the ABP’s Admissions team in conjunction with the relevant Senior Officers of ABP.

ABP welcomes students with disabilities and learning difficulties, and they will not be refused a place on the grounds of their disability, unless under exceptional circumstances as defined under applicable laws in the Constitution of Bangladesh, where ABP is not able to reasonably meet learners needs.

Applicants who disclose a disability or learning need will be asked to make an appointment with a member of the Learning Support Team who will assess their needs and look at any reasonable adjustments that may need to be put in place.

4. Criminal Convictions

4.1 Where applicants have advised us of any criminal convictions the college will follow the process below:

4.1.1 Additional information will be requested on a form to be completed and returned;

4.1.2 Where necessary a risk assessment may be requested from a qualified professional source;

4.1.3 A decision not to admit an applicant due to unacceptable risk will be at the discretion of ABP’s Admissions team.

Learner Recruitment Policy and Procedures – PDF

1. Introduction

This policy is for qualifications offered by ABP and all those involved with the delivery and quality assurance of its qualifications. We have ensured that this policy complies with ethical obligations and applicable laws.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all ABP staff. The ABP Governance Body has the responsibility of implementing this policy on a day-to-day basis, monitoring its use and effectiveness, and addressing any queries relating to it.

3. Application of the Certification Policy

3.1 ABP will ensure that:

3.1.1 All certificates which it issues clearly and uniquely identify both the Learner and the certificate itself;

3.1.2 All certificates which it issues clearly display the title of the qualification as it appears on the ABP official records;

3.1.3 Any replacement certificate is clearly identifiable as being a replacement;

3.1.4 It publishes the expected dates or timescales for the issue of certificates;

3.1.5 The issue of certificates is timely;

3.1.6 It issues only certificates which are accurate and complete and which reflect accurate and complete results;

3.1.7 It maintains a record of all certificates and replacement certificates which it issues;

3.1.8 It issues a certificate and any replacement certificate to any Learner who has a valid entitlement to that certificate or replacement certificate;

3.1.9 It does not issue any certificate to a Learner who does not have a valid entitlement to that certificate;

3.1.10 It revokes any certificate if the result on the certificate is false because of malpractice, maladministration, or is revealed to be inaccurate as a consequence of an appeals process;

3.1.11 It meets any date or time scale published by it in respect of the issue of certificates and replacement certificates.

Learner Certification Policy -PDF

1. Introduction

This policy applies to all assessment programmes offered by ABP. Internal Quality Assessment (IQA) is an internal audit process that ensures accuracy and consistency across an assessment programme. ABP is committed to ensuring that assessments are carried out in an accurate and fair manner and that learners are assessed and marked at a level consistent with awarding body expectations and to national standards.

The aims of this policy are:

● To promote quality, consistency and fairness throughout an assessment programme.

● To define roles and responsibilities within the IV process.

● To provide support for assessment and verification personnel.

● To ensure the quality assurance.

● To ensure the quality assurance of the outcomes of assessment in line with awarding body and national requirements.

2. ABP’s Responsibilities

ABP will:

● Ensure all assignment briefs are fit for purpose.

● Ensure the assessment programme is fit for purpose.

● Verify an appropriate sample of assessed work to ensure assessment decisions and feedback adhere to the Institute’s quality standards and awarding body expectations.

● Plan an IQA schedule commensurate with awarding body expectations and procedures.

● Train and brief staff as appropriate on the IQA process.

● Provide standardisation training and documentation in line with the Institute’s standards and awarding body expectations.

● Utilise IQA outcomes to further enhance the assessment programme and quality assurance procedures.

3. IQA Roles

There are two key roles in the IQA process: Lead Internal Verifier and Assessor. ABP will ensure there is an accredited Lead Internal Verifier during the IQA process. The Lead Internal Verifier will ensure that the IQA process is valid, reliable and covers all Assessors and course activity. The Lead Internal Verifier will oversee an effective IQA system of assessment which is transparent, fair, free from bias and aligned with awarding body requirements. All decisions are to be recorded accurately and stored safely.

4. Responsibilities of the Lead Internal Verifier

● Maintaining a robust and rigorous IQA procedure.

● Verifying all Assignment Briefs before publication to learners.

● Verifying the Assessment Programme.

● Sampling learner work, both formative and summative.

● Conducting standardisation activities.

● Supporting the continuous professional development of staff and the sharing of good practice.

● Ensuring decisions made by assessors on student work are accurate and meet both unit evidence requirements and national standards.

● Ensuring that learners are provided with assignments briefs that are fit for purpose to enable them to produce appropriate evidence for assessment.

● Ensuring all learners receive appropriate formative and summative feedback.

● Compliance with the external quality assurance procedures of awarding bodies.

5. Responsibilities of the Assessor

● Ensuring students understand what is expected of them, what is to be assessed and how it is to be assessed.

● Ensuring conditions and materials required for assessment are available.

● Formally assessing students’ evidence using the published assessment and grading criteria.

● Ensuring all grades and feedback are recorded and tracked appropriately.

● Ensuring assessment evidence is stored appropriately.

● Authenticating evidence provided by students.

● Providing formative and summative feedback appropriate to stated aims and awarding body assessment and grading criteria.

● Returning all completed student work marked in accordance with the ABP’s marking procedures and awarding body guidance.

● Knowing who will act as Lead Internal Verifier and positively engaging in the IQA process.

● All Assessors are involved in the Internal Quality Assessment process.

6. Sampling Strategy

Interim Sampling

In order to enable the IQA to evaluate the quality of formative guidance given to learners it is vital that the IQA participates in the process at different stages in their work. This might include reviewing learner work:

1. Early on in the programme;

2. Before decisions have been made on any unit; and

3. Sampling evidence when one or two of the units or requirements are completed.

It will also include checking progress review reports given to learners by tutors and assessors. Interim internal quality assurance enables the IQA to pick up problems at an early stage and so avoid the situation of disagreeing with tutor practice or assessment judgements. It can also highlight individual needs for support or development which in turn may be used to develop the team as a whole. Similarly, it provides an opportunity to identify and share good practice within the centre, particularly where one or more of the team members have wider experience.

Summative Sampling

Summative sampling includes reviewing the quality of the learning completed and assessment judgements taken in their entirety. The IQA must be able to follow an audit trail which clearly demonstrates that tutors and assessors have covered all the requirements and checked that all work presented – whatever its format – meets the rules of evidence. Evidence must be confirmed by assessors as:

● Valid – relevant to the standards for which competence is claimed.

● Authentic – produced by the learners.

● Current – sufficiently recent for assessors to be confident that the learner still has that same level of skills or knowledge.

● Reliable – genuinely representative of the learner’s knowledge and skills.

● Sufficient – meets in full all the requirements of the standards. The sampling strategy for each centre will vary according to the needs of the centre and the particular qualifications or programme, but in all cases must be agreed with the external quality assurer. In defining the strategy all the following should be taken into account.

Factors – IQA needs to select a representative sample of:

Candidates – A selection of all candidates (gender, age, ethnicity etc.)

Assessors – Experience and qualifications, workload, occupational experience

Methods of assessment – Questioning, observation, testimony, Recognition of Prior Learning
RPL), use of simulation, product evidence, assignments, projects and


Evidence – All types of evidence

Records – Plans, reports from tutors, assessors, correct assessment practices,

IQA records, learner and assessment records

Assessment locations – Workplace assessments, college, other assessment locations

Quality Assessment Policy – PDF

1. Introduction

This Policy sets out the basis on which ABP will collect and use Personal Data either where the ABP collects it from individuals itself, or where it is provided to ABP by third parties. It also sets out rules on how the ABP handles, uses, transfers and stores Personal Data.

Policy applies to all staff, volunteers or those processing data on behalf of ABP. This policy applies regardless of where the data is held i.e. if the personal data is held on personally-owned equipment or outside ABP property. This policy also applies to any expression of opinion about an individual, personal data held visually in photographs or video clips (including CCTV), and sound recordings.

The document provides the policy framework through which effective management of Data Protection matters can be achieved. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that ABP and its staff comply with local laws as well as the stipulations in the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation when processing personal data.

ABP is the data controller. ABP holds personal data about students, parents, staff and other individuals in order to carry out its business and provide its services. For example, this information could include name, address, email address and date of birth. No matter how it is collected, recorded and used, this personal information must be dealt with properly to ensure compliance with data protection legislation.

2. Definitions

2.1 Data Breach: a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

2.2 Data Controller: the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

2.3 Data Processor: a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

2.4 Personal Data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

2.5 Data Subject: an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

2.6 Processing Data: any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaption or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosureby transmission, dissemination or other making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

2.7 Sensitive Personal Data: data revealing ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, genetic or biometric data, data containing health or a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

3. Principles of Data Protection

3.1 Any member of staff processing personal data must comply with the six principles described below. The principles require that personal data shall be:

3.1.1 Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals;

3.1.2 Collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; further processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes shall not beconsidered to be incompatible with the initial purposes;

3.1.3 Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose for which they are processed;

3.1.4 Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate are erased or rectified without delay;

3.1.5 Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed; personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes subject to implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures required by the GDPR in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the individuals;

3.1.6 Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.

3.2 Additionally, ABP also requires that the data controller shall be responsible for, and be able to demonstrate, compliance with the principles.
4. Roles and Responsibilities

4.1 ABP’s responsibilities are to:

4.1.1 Establish policies and procedures and ensure that they are up to date and comply with the law;

4.1.2 Ensure that staff know about and understand this policy;

4.1.3 Provide staff with data protection training.

4.2 The Compliance Officer’s responsibilities are to:

4.2.1 Handle subject access requests;

4.2.2 Investigate data protections breaches;

4.2.3 Draw up guidance on good data protection practice;

4.2.4 Advise staff with data protection queries.

4.3 Staff responsibilities are to:

4.3.1 Comply with this policy and any other supporting policies and procedures;

4.3.2 Only access the personal data of others that they need to use;

4.3.3 Make sure their own personal data provided to ABP is accurate and up to date;

4.3.4 Inform ABP if any of their personal data changes;

4.3.5 Inform ABP if they become aware that any of the information that ABP holds about them is not accurate;

4.3.6 Ensure all personal data is kept securely; Data Protection Policy: Version 1.0 (Last updated: 12/10/2021) 2

4.3.7 Ensure no personal data is disclosed either verbally or in writing to any unauthorised third party. Ensure personal data is kept in accordance with ABP’s retention schedule;

4.3.8 ABP will retain learners’ data for up to 2 years;

4.3.9 Promptly direct any queries regarding data protection, including subject access requests, to the Compliance Officer;

4.3.10 Inform the Compliance Officer of any data protection breaches as soon as possible and support the Compliance Officer in resolving breaches.

4.4 Learners and other users’ responsibilities are:

4.4.1 Make sure that any personal data that they provide is accurate and up to date;

4.4.2 Inform ABP if any of their personal data changes;

4.4.3 Inform ABP if they become aware that any of the information that ABP holds about them is not accurate;

4.5 Individual Rights:

4.5.1 ABP is dedicated to ensuring that the rights of individuals about whom information is held can be fully exercised. These rights are:

4.5.2 The right to be informed;

4.5.3 The right to access;

4.5.4 The right to rectification;

4.5.5 The right to erasure (the right to be forgotten);

4.5.6 The right to restrict processing;

4.5.7 The right to data portability;

4.5.8 The right to object;

4.5.9 The rights related to automated decision-making including profiling.

Data Protection Policy – PDF

1. Introduction

This policy aims to ensure a planned and measured response in the event of major disruption to ABP operations in order to safeguard the interests of learners while maintaining the integrity of the assessment system and safeguarding qualification standards.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all ABP staff and its learners.

3. Policy Application

The plans outlined in this policy will be implemented in response to a major disruption to ABP operations and the specific actions applied will be selected based on the context of the disruption. If a major disruption occurs which requires involvement from official external agencies, such as Police, Fire Service, Medical Service, actions taken will be subject to the advice provided by the respective agency.

3.1. Key Principles of Policy Application

The priority when implementing contingency plans will be to maintain the following principles:

• Delivering courses to published timetables.

• Delivering assessments to published timetables.

• Delivering results to published timetables.

• Complying with regulatory requirements in relation to assessment, marking and standards.

4. Communication

In the event of local disruption, communication to ABP instructors and learners will take place through the administration team, following approval from the ABP management. In the event of major disruption, details of specific contingencies will be communicated to all relevant parties – internally and externally – to ensure contingencies are carried out effectively and efficiently.

ABP is committed to:

• Sharing timely and accurate information as required to meet the aims of the plan.

• Communicating with stakeholders so they are aware of disruption and contingency measures being implemented and any actions required of them as a result.

• Ensuring all communication is clear and accurate.
5. Potential Risks and Associated Categories

Whilst it is unrealistic to detail all possible risks associated with the operations of ABP, the following section aims to identify some main considerations with regards to contingency planning in response to adverse effects.

5.1 Teaching staff extended absence at key points in the academic year:

Contingencies: ABP will arrange alternative teaching staff within the institution concerned at the earliest opportunity. If the existing staff are unable to undertake the additional workloads ABP will seek to employ additional academic staff either on a full time or part time basis to ensure all outstanding duties are covered.

5.2 Lack of appropriate rooms or main venues unavailable at short notice:
Contingencies: Liaise with external facility managers to aim to resolve the disruption in the shortest possible time frame. If the disruption persists ABP will seek to reorganise and modify its existing plans in order to accommodate all learner groups and learning plans. If after these changes access to rooms remains an issue ABP would plan to rent/hire external space, suitable for educational delivery, on a short-term basis.

5.3 Failure of IT systems:

Contingencies: ABP has clear processes in place to prevent failures in IT and in turn resolve issues promptly. ABP maintains secured backup for all types of assessment and feedback to learners and would be capable of retaining such records should a disruption to the IT systems occur.

5.4 Disruption of teaching time – ABP academic services closed for an extended period:

Contingencies: ABP would communicate with learners about the potential for disruption to teaching time and how they plan to address this. Instructors would aim to correspond with learners in order to support learning and guide them on accessing course materials and submitting assignments online.

Contingency and Adverse Effect Policy – PDF

1. Introduction

In order to protect staff members and ABP from compromise, it is both necessary and helpful to settle a policy to deal with conflict of interest.

Where any ABP member has a conflict of interest, they have a duty to disclose it and take appropriate action.

The Conflict of Interest Policy applies to all ABP members, which include, but is not exhaustive to:

● Full time and part-time staff employed by ABP, and those engaged as a member of a subsidiary company of ABP.

● Someone affiliated to ABP, visiting academics and committee members.

● External members of any of ABP’s committees.

2. Definitions

2.1 A conflict of interest may be perceived, potential or actual:

2.1.1 Perceived conflict of interest: where a reasonable person would consider a likely compromise;

2.1.2 Potential conflict of interest: a situation that may or could develop into an actual conflict of Interest.

2.2 Pecuniary Interests:

2.2.1 A staff has a pecuniary interest where there is a likelihood that there will be a financial gain to the member of staff.

2.3 Personal Interests:

2.3.1 A conflict of interest is where an ABP member has an interest which may compromise their obligation to ABP or to anybody with which ABP has a relationship, or where the ABP member has the opportunity to affect or influence a decision of ABP.

3. Procedures

Where the conflict of interest relates to an ABP member’s role on an ABP Committee, in which aspects of the agenda may relate to the ABP member, the ABP member must disclose the conflict of interest to the Committee at the start of the meeting.

Where the ABP member is a Head of Department or Programme Leader, disclosure of conflicts of interest must be made in writing to the Chair of ABP’s Governing Body; in accordance with procedures, a cause of action must be decided, signed and placed on record in the ABP member’s personal file. Thereafter, it is the College member’s responsibility to comply with the agreed cause of action. Should the Chair of ABP’s Governing Body be placed in a conflict of interest situation he must disclose this to the rest of the members on the Governing Body.

Where a conflict of interest involves or concerns a learner registered with ABP, the ABP Member must specifically disclose such a conflict of interest.

Failure to Disclose a Conflict of Interest

Where an ABP Member fails to disclose an interest, this may constitute misconduct, and may result in disciplinary action.

Example of Conflict of Interest

Where a member of the teaching staff is assessing a learner who is a family relation or there is a personal relationship between the parties.
Where a member is in a position to influence directly or indirectly ABP’s business, research or other decisions that could lead to personal gain for them, their family or others.

Conflict of Interest Policy – PDF

1. Policy Statement

This policy outlines the procedure to be followed by students, who have an issue or dispute with the services outlined herein.

2. Roles, Responsibilities and Implementation

At ABP we are committed to providing a high quality service to our learners. We will deal with legitimate complaints in a fair, prompt and objective manner. Complaints will be dealt with without recrimination and no individual will be disadvantaged by raising a complaint. It is the overall responsibility of ABP Senior Management Team for the effective operation of this policy and ensuring its maintenance and review to the Senior Quality Manager.
We will be fair in the treatment of all those who complain irrespective of age, disability, gender/gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation (protected characteristics and whilst socio-economic background is not a legally protected characteristic, ABP is committed to combating any discrimination on this basis and recognises the harm that discrimination has in terms of an individual’s access to equality of opportunity). Complaints will be dealt with promptly and constructively. All complaints will be dealt with in confidence but shared with any person who may be the subject of a complaint. The outcomes of any complaint will be shared with the complainant and any staff involved. Complaints made which, on investigation, turn out to be malicious, may result in disciplinary action. ABP’s Senior Quality Manager will be responsible for the management of the Complaints Policy and all apprentices will be informed whom the Senior Quality Manager is.

3. Objectives

The objectives of this policy are to provide a process to resolve individual complaints in a way which is as fair, prompt and constructive as possible.

4. Scope of Complaint Procedure

The procedure deals with complaints arising regarding:

1. Delivery (or lack of delivery) of services for education and training including teaching, course content, tutoring, assessment, feedback on progress and apprentice support during their Apprenticeship Scheme facilitated by ABP.

2. Incorrect or misleading information about the services provided by ABP.

3. Delivery (or lack of delivery) of support services provided by the by ABP including administration of fees, enrolment processes, accommodation, health and safety and learner resource services.

4. Unacceptable actions or behaviour by staff and/or representatives of ABP.

5. Definitions

An ‘Informal complaint’ is defined as an issue which the complainant wishes to raise with the appropriate member of staff, without using the formal complaints process. Informal complaints are typically quick to resolve and unlikely to require an in-depth investigation.
A ‘Complaint’ is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction which the complainant wishes to raise with the Quality Manager or Student Support Service Member.
An ‘Appeal’ is a request for a review of a decision made by a member of staff, ABP charged with making decisions about an assessment decision, the conduct or outcome of external quality assurance visits that they regard as unfair or inadequate. The procedure for Appeals is detailed in ABP’s Appeals Policy.

6. Guide to making a complaint

The process for raising a complaint is detailed below:

6.1 Informal resolution of complaints
Most complaints should be able to be resolved by discussion between the complainant and the appropriate member of staff. The initial complaint may be made orally or in writing and the member of staff receiving the complaint should make a response within 10 working days, orally or in writing. It is expected that staff are tactful and courteous in dealing with a complaint. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the response received, they should then be guided to using the formal procedure.

6.2 Formal Procedure
A formal complaint should be made in writing within 15 working days of an incident or action from which the complaint arises, or from the date when the complainant received an oral or written reply to an informal complaint. In exceptional circumstances, a longer period will be considered. The complaint should be sent to ABP’s Senior Quality Manager. If the complaint involves the Senior Quality Manager an alternative senior manager will be appointed to manage the process. The complaint will be logged.
The Senior Quality Manager will carry out an initial assessment of the complaint within 5 working days. In most cases, complaints will be referred to the appropriate staff for investigation and report. More serious or unusual complaints will be investigated personally by the Senior Quality Manager.
An appropriate Officer will carry out an investigation of the complaint and may interview the complainant; the respondent; witnesses to the matter or events; and anyone they believe may have a role in establishing or disproving the complaint, as necessary. They will prepare a summary and report back to the Senior Quality Manager within 10 working days of the initial assessment.
The Senior Quality Manager will record the outcome of the complaint and either arranges a meeting to deliver the outcome or notify all those involved in writing as appropriate.
The formal complaint should be resolved within 25 working days of the receipt of the original formal complaint. If it appears that a decision will not be reached within the due period, those involved will be advised of the need for a longer period.
The decision made will be final but this does not affect an individual’s legal rights.
If the complaint is not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they must refer to our appeals procedures, this can be found at https://abpglobal.org/policy/.

6.3 How to Complain
Complaints can be made in writing to ABP’s Senior Quality Manager at:
Academy of Business Professionals (ABP)
71-75, Shelton Street,
Covent Garden, London,
United Kingdom

Or through online at: https://forms.gle/apMbe92HaSKUokXP6

7. Review of the Complaints Policy and Procedure

Once a year the ABP’s Senior Management Team will review the Complaints Policy and Procedure to include:

1. Number of complaints of each type
2. Time taken to process complaints
3. List of outstanding complaints
4. Outcomes to complaints
5. Results of appeals
Analysis of complaints and outcomes by age, gender and ethnicity of complainant if changes are required the Complaints Policy will be rewritten and all staff and learners will be informed. A record of all complaints for 3 years will be available to the relevant authorities for audit purposes.

1. Introduction

ABP recognises that assessment is central to learning and teaching, and is not designed solely to measure student learning. Also, essential to enhancing learning, is the provision of continuous feedback to students on their learning; in relation to assessment, useful feedback is feedback that is specific in informing learners the extent to which they have met published assessment criteria, and explains to them what they need to do to improve. Ensuring feedback is clear, specific, and adopts a supportive tone is most likely to foster student engagement with feedback.

The aim of this policy is to lay out an institution-wide approach to assessment and feedback that enhances the effectiveness of assessment in aiding students to achieve the necessary knowledge and skills described in a class or programme’s intended learning outcomes.

This policy applies to all programmes offered by ABP.

2. Definitions

2.1 Assessment: The process of measuring the performance of students (as in examinations, assignments and other assessable work) that enables students to monitor their progress and contributes to their academic results.

2.2 Assessment Criteria: Specific criteria against which pieces of work are assessed. An understanding of the criteria must be shared by markers and students. Feedback should relate to these criteria.

2.3 Assessment Bunching: The perception of assessments within a programme of study being scheduled too closely together.

2.4 Assessment Schedule: A timeline of all cohort-level assessments.

2.5 Feedback: Information provided to students on the quality of their performance in relation to assessment criteria, which forms the basis of improved student learning.

2.6 Formative Assessment: This type of assessment normally has no or low weighting in the final mark for a module or programme. The goal of formative assessment is to provide an opportunity for students to monitor their learning and provide feedback to teachers that can be used to review their teaching.

2.7 Learner Attributes: Qualities, skills, dispositions, and understanding that students are expected to develop. At ABP, these are referred to as the 4 E’s – engaged, enquiring, enterprising and ethically and globally aware.

2.8 Intended Learning Outcomes: What the learner is expected to be able to do or demonstrate, in terms of particular knowledge, skills and understanding, by the end of a module or programme.

2.9 Ipsative Feedback: This type of feedback compares a student’s performance on a current assessment with performance on a previous assessment.

2.10 Moderation: The process of checking that assessment criteria are consistently applied across markers in marking students’ work.

2.11 Module: The individual components of a programme, normally counted in terms of credits.

2.12 Module Evaluation: The process of obtaining feedback from students on all aspects of teaching, learning, and assessment within a module.

2.13 Programme: The full course of study leading to the award of a qualification.

2.14 Seen Double Marking: Where an assessment isindependently marked by two markers, but where the second marker has access to the marks or comments of the first marker.

2.15 Summative Assessment: Assessment is summative when the grading of an assessment contributesto the final grade for a class or course. The aim of summative assessment isto evaluate students’ attainment of the intended learning outcomes within a unit of study.

2.16 Unseen Double Marking: Where an assessment is independently marked by two markers who do not have access to the grades or comments of the other marker.

3. Assessment and Feedback Principles

These principles must be adhered to throughout ABP:

3.1 Assessment and feedback practices promote effective learning.

3.2 Assessment and feedback practices are fair, appropriate, and transparent.

3.3 Assessment and feedback practices are clearly communication to learners and ABP staff.

3.4 Assessment and feedback practices are continuously reviewed.

4. Responsibilities for Implementation

4.1 ABP assumes responsibility for:

4.1.1 Providing staff with opportunities to develop effective practice in assessment and feedback.

4.1.2 Providing adequate resources, including information technology systems, to support effective practice.

4.1.3 Monitoring implementation of this policy through Internal and External Quality Assurance processes.

4.2 Staff involved in assessing students’ work are responsible for:

4.2.1 Designing assessments that effectively facilitate and measure students’achievement of intended learning outcomes;

4.2.2 Assessing students’ work according to published assessment criteria which are aligned to intended learning outcomes and the University’s Guidance on Marking Assessments taught programmes;

4.2.3 Providing timely, informative and helpful feedback which enables learners to further improve their learning and performance wherever possible;

4.2.4 Informing students when, where and how feedback will be provided; 4.2.5 Engaging in dialogue with students about assessment and feedback; and,

4.2.6 Continuously reviewing their approaches to assessment and feedback to reflect effective practice.

4.3 Learners are expected to be responsible for their own learning through:

4.3.1 Understanding the requirements of individual assessments, and actively engaging with assessment tasks by devoting appropriate time and effort;

4.3.2 Developing an understanding of the relationship between intended learning outcomes and assessment criteria, and standards in their programme of study;

4.3.3 Ensuring their academic work is authentic and honestly produced;

4.3.4 Finding out where, how and when work is submitted and how and when feedback is provided; and,

4.3.5 Actively engaging, reflecting, and using provided feedback.

Assessment and Feedback Policy – PDF

1. Introduction

In order to protect staff members and ABP from compromise, it is both necessary and helpful to settle a policy to deal with conflict of interest.

Where any ABP member has a conflict of interest, they have a duty to disclose it and take appropriate action.

The Conflict of Interest Policy applies to all ABP members, which include, but is not exhaustive to:

● Full time and part-time staff employed by ABP, and those engaged as a member of a subsidiary company of ABP.

● Someone affiliated to ABP, visiting academics and committee members.

● External members of any of ABP’s committees.

2. Definitions

2.1 A conflict of interest may be perceived, potential or actual:

2.1.1 Perceived conflict of interest: where a reasonable person would consider a likely compromise;

2.1.2 Potential conflict of interest: a situation that may or could develop into an actual conflict of Interest.

2.2 Pecuniary Interests:

2.2.1 A staff has a pecuniary interest where there is a likelihood that there will be a financial gain to the member of staff.

2.3 Personal Interests:

2.3.1 A conflict of interest is where an ABP member has an interest which may compromise their obligation to ABP or to anybody with which ABP has a relationship, or where the ABP member has the opportunity to affect or influence a decision of ABP.

3. Procedures

Where the conflict of interest relates to an ABP member’s role on an ABP Committee, in which aspects of the agenda may relate to the ABP member, the ABP member must disclose the conflict of interest to the Committee at the start of the meeting.

Where the ABP member is a Head of Department or Programme Leader, disclosure of conflicts of interest must be made in writing to the Chair of ABP’s Governing Body; in accordance with procedures, a cause of action must be decided, signed and placed on record in the ABP member’s personal file. Thereafter, it is the College member’s responsibility to comply with the agreed cause of action. Should the Chair of ABP’s Governing Body be placed in a conflict of interest situation he must disclose this to the rest of the members on the Governing Body.

Where a conflict of interest involves or concerns a learner registered with ABP, the ABP Member must specifically disclose such a conflict of interest.

Failure to Disclose a Conflict of Interest

Where an ABP Member fails to disclose an interest, this may constitute misconduct, and may result in disciplinary action.

Example of Conflict of Interest

Where a member of the teaching staff is assessing a learner who is a family relation or there is a personal relationship between the parties.
Where a member is in a position to influence directly or indirectly ABP’s business, research or other decisions that could lead to personal gain for them, their family or others.

Conflict of Interest Policy – PDF

Who we are

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Who we share your data with

Suggested text: If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

How long we retain your data

Suggested text: If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

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What rights you have over your data

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Where your data is sent

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1. Introduction

At ABP, we are committed to providing high-quality training and education services to our valued students. This refund policy outlines the terms and conditions under which refunds may be issued for our courses.


2. Refund Eligibility

2.1 Course Cancellation by ABP: If we cancel a course for any reason, a full refund will be issued to all registered participants.

2.2 Student Withdrawal:

2.2.1 Refund requests must be submitted in writing to information@abpbd.org before the course commencement date.

2.2.2 The following refund percentages will be applied based on the timing of the withdrawal request: More than 14 days before the course commencement: 100% refund. 7-14 days before the course commencement: 50% refund. Less than 7 days before the course commencement: No refund.

3.Refund Process:

3.1 Refund Request Submission:

3.1.1 All refund requests must be submitted in writing to information@abpbd.org.

3.1.2 The request must include the participant’s full name, course details, and a brief explanation of the reason for the refund.

3.2 Refund Approval:

3.2.1 Refund requests will be reviewed within 14 days of submission.

3.2.2 Approved refunds will be processed using the original payment method.

4.Non-Refundable Fees:

4.1 Application Fees: Application fees are non-refundable.

4.2 Transaction Processing Fees: Transaction Processing fees are non-refundable.


5.1 Course Transfers: Participants may request a transfer to another course prior to course commencement, subject to availability and approval. Transfer requests must be made in writing to information@abpbd.org.

ABP reserves the right to amend this refund policy as necessary.

Refund Policy – PDF

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