About ABP

ABP is the trading name of Academy of Business Professionals Ltd registered in England with company registration number 14298441.


‘Academy of Business Professionals’, ‘ABP-making professionals’ are the registered trademarks of ABP. ABP is registered with the UK Tuition Provider portal with UK Provider Reference Number 10091446.


ABP specialises in management training and consultancy, communication, audit, social affairs, environment, individual efficiency, and effectiveness, which are delivered by a team of industry experts with a focus on ethical conduct.


ABP organises seminars and workshops in different areas i.e. HRM, Logistics and Supply Chain, Project Management, Sales and Marketing, Islamic Banking and Finance and many more on a regular basis.

More than 10,000 students and working professionals have benefitted from ABP instructed qualifications.

ABP is a Learning and Exam Centre (LEC) of Edupro, UK and approved Registration Centre of AAOIFI, Bahrain. ABP is a UK based Ed-tech organisation offering ‘home-service’ of affordable and quality education to the world.

"Explore our site to find the perfect qualification to move your career forward with ABP. Contact us now for instant assistance."