
Everything about Islamic Banking & Finance

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that solve 1000 problems of
Islamic Banking & Finance

To better understand the global financial system. The Islamic financial system is estimated to be worth $2 trillion, and is growing at a rapid pace. It is important to understand how this system works, and how it fits into the overall global financial landscape.

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Here's just a sample of what you are getting.....

✅ Get guidance from years of expertise derived from Top 1000 frequently asked questions about Islamic Banking and Finance.

✅ Deepen your understanding and knowledge on core Islamic finance concepts, principles and terminology.

✅ Leverage the insights to better prepare you for an upcoming job interview or assignment.

Enter to the New Era of Finance

Islamic Banking & Finance

Why you need this book?

✅ To better understand the global financial system. The Islamic financial system is estimated to be worth $2 trillion, and is growing at a rapid pace. It is important to understand how this system works, and how it fits into the overall global financial landscape.

✅ To learn about an alternate form of banking. The backbone of the Islamic financial system is based on different principles than those used in traditional western banking. For example, rather than charging interest on loans, banks charge a fee for providing services. This can make financing more accessible for some borrowers, and can also provide a more ethical form of banking for those who are interested in such options.

✅ To find out if Islamic finance is right for you. If you are considering investing in Shariah-compliant products, or if you simply want to learn more about howIslamic finance works, reading up on the topic is a good first step. Understanding the basics will help you determine whether or not this type of finance is right for you.

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Everything about Islamic 
Banking & Finance

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